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“Experience a completely new era of the metaverse in EVERDOME. Unleash the power of blockchain technology and digital assets as you explore the virtual world.”

Everdome: Gateway to the Next-Generation Metaverse

In recent years, the term “metaverse” has rapidly gained traction in the technology industry. However, Everdome is more than just a metaverse. It is a revolutionary platform aimed at shaping the future of the digital society.

1. What is Everdome?

Everdome is a metaverse platform where users can create their own digital spaces and enhance interactions with other users. By combining the convenience of Web 2.0 with innovative Web 3.0 technologies, it delivers truly immersive digital experiences.

2. Unique Features

  • Spaces (coming soon): Everdome’s Spaces feature allows users to instantly create their own metaverse spaces. This enables the expression of brands and individual identities in the digital realm.
  • Economic Model: Everdome has its unique economic model that allows users to earn real-time revenue. This opens up new monetization opportunities for creators and businesses.

3. Outlook for the Future

Everdome aims to blur the boundaries between the digital and the real. In the near future, we will have the freedom to seamlessly move between the physical world and the digital metaverse. Everdome is positioned as a key platform to realize this future.

Metaverse as a Service

Everdome is moving towards offering the metaverse as a service, going beyond just the metaverse experience. This allows users to swiftly engage with the metaverse ecosystem. Their goal is to integrate the metaverse into marketing, sales, and technology stacks.


The relationship with the UAE government

In November 2022, the UAE government announced Everdome as a strategic partner in the “Jahiz” initiative. This initiative aims to upskill government personnel and invest in the future. Everdome, recognized as a leader in Web3, is at the forefront of metaverse thinking and development. “Jahiz” aims to upskill all government personnel in 20 key future skills within one year through an interactive digital platform developed in collaboration with 15 advanced government agencies and global companies.



The metaverse has the potential to fundamentally change the way we live, work, and play. Everdome is at the forefront of this transformation. Let’s journey together through this new digital era while keeping an eye on the future developments of Everdome.

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